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#表观全局##软件工程#计算机新工具应用对生物医药表观组数据分析的促进(Cell干货 V1.1)中英(5)

http://www.xkssw.com 时间:2016-11-30 15:39来源:互联网

, we have validated the accuracy of epigenome assays and; proposed widely used quality standards forepigenome mapping (http://ihec-epigenomes.org/).


  In addition, we investigated the effect of sequencing depth on the accuracy of whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (Libertini et al. , 2016a, Libertini et al. , 2016b) and conducted a community-wide benchmarking study comparing locus-specific DNA methylation assays across 18 laboratories in seven different countries, establishing that DNA methylation profiling is accurate and robust enough for use as a;clinical biomarker (

